What to Do When You’re Stuck in an English Conversation
Do you sometimes catch yourself getting stuck in the middle of a conversation in English? Whether you can’t find the right word in English, or you’re not sure how to react and what’s a socially accepted response in a certain … More
Strategies to Ensure Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick
As the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, millions of people around the world usher in the new year with a sense of hope and determination. It’s the time when New Year’s Resolutions are made, and goals are set, … More
Navigating Social Etiquette and Customs in English-Speaking Countries
When visiting or interacting with people from English-speaking countries, understanding social etiquette and customs is essential to ensure smooth and respectful communication. In this article, we will explore some key aspects of social etiquette that can help you navigate various … More
Game On! Explore Sports Idioms and Score with English Expression
Whether you’re a sports fan or not, you’ll love diving into the world of sports idioms. These expressions pack a punch and add a playful touch to our everyday conversations. So, lace up your shoes and get ready to explore … More
Celebrations and Traditions in English-Speaking Cultures Adopted from Other Cultures
Holidays and festivals are an integral part of any culture, reflecting its traditions, values, and beliefs. English-speaking cultures, while having their own unique celebrations, have also embraced and adopted various festivities from different cultures around the world. In this article, … More
5 Reasons Why We Fall Out of Love with Our Jobs
At some point in our lives, we may have found ourselves in a job that we loved, that we were passionate about, and that we looked forward to every day. However, as time went by, we began to dread going … More
Hello 2020s: Embracing a New Decade of Possibilities and Challenges!
As we ring in the new year and new decade, it’s a time to reflect on the past and set goals for the future. The 2020s are here, and with them come endless possibilities and opportunities for growth and change.… More
Tipping Rules
Tipping rules, or how much extra money you give your waiter or another type of service worker, vary greatly from country to country. When you travel to a new destination, especially where the culture is expected to be quite different … More
Start living a healhty lifestyle
When people hear ‘healthy lifestyle’, they often associate it with tedious diets or merciless exercise regimes taking up half of their day. The truth is, living a healthy lifestyle does not need to involve harsh limitations depriving you of your … More
Handling awkward social situations
We often find ourselves in awkward situations when gathering with friends and colleagues. These may include forgetting people’s names, handling the check when eating out with a group of people, or inappropriate romantic advances. The truth is some of us … More